shinee world is my world

Monthly Archives: February 2012

key went to shanghai with jonghyun and minho. without taem and onew ofc.

ah jongminkey went to shanghai with sulli and amber too

katanya sih buat H2. gue gak terlalu excited karna taem gak ikut T___T my taelli moments aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bete!!

awesome pics of key at incheon airport presented by cosmicaa

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pas tanggal 27 feb dia update twitter dengan mengupload video dia lagi main sama ROO. check it out

@realjonghyun90 이번주는 개위터입니다. 쒜낏쒜낏 쒜낏쒜낏쒜낏

@realjonghyun90 this week is dogwitter. shake it shake it shake it shake it shake it

naaaaaah hari ini dia update twitter lagi. sempet bingung kok dia update lagi? katanya cuma sekali seminggu eh ternyata setelah baca tweet-nya haha i love u lah jjong

@realjonghyun90 약속 무효 공지
존경하는 샤이니 월드 누나 동생 친구 어머니 아버지 삼촌 이모 고모 숙모 숙부 대부 사촌 님들에게..그래 너말야 너 지금 이거 읽는 너!!!일주 일회 트윗 약속을 철회하겟사와요

@realjonghyun90 invalid promise announcement to the shinee world nunas, dongsaengs, friends, mothers, fathers, maternal uncles, maternal aunts, paternal uncles, paternal aunts, aunt (father’s younger brother’s wife), uncle (father’s younger brother), godfathers whom I respect.. that’s right, you, you reading this right now!!! i”m going to withdrawal my promise of tweeting once a week.

@realjonghyun90 더이상 내안에서 꿈틀대는 드립력을 억누르기엔 세상은 너무 넓고 스마트 폰은 너무 편리합니다.하루에도 웃을 일이 수백번씩 일어나는데 나만 웃을수 업서!! 난 너무 웃기다고!!

@realjonghyun90 the world is too wide and the smartphone is too convenient for me to suppress the adlibs wiggling inside of me any longer. there are a ton of things that happen in a day to laugh about but i’m the only one who can’t laugh!! but they are so funny!!

@realjonghyun90 는 훼이크고 일주일에 한번 하려니 감질맛 나서 못참겟슴 하고플때 할꺼에요거트아줌마 요거트주세요 트윗 더 자주하겟슴 ㅇㅇ

@realjonghyun90 is a lie. I’ve had an insatiable taste so I can’t take it anymore to do it once a week. I’ll do it when I wanna yogurt ajumma please give me yogurt. I will tweet more often ㅇㅇ

@realjonghyun90 내공지를 보고 지은 당신의 표정

@realjonghyun 90 your expression after seeing my announcement

@realjonghyun90 내가 목표로 삼는 인물

@realjonghyun90 someone that i figure for my target

yang terakhir translate-an sendiri. jadi rada ngaco -.-

cr: jonghyun’s twitter

trans: shiningtweets

@yoana81 Sbs set 촬영하다 만난 민호님.
ㅎㅎ 신난당~

@yoana81 filming on the SBS set and met minho-nim. haha, how exciting~

cr: jung ryeo won twitter trans by: kimchi hana @ sfi

kalo yang nonton salamander guru pasti tau cewek ini siapa. si woman police. minjae eomma. keke

dia update minihompy-nya dengan ngeupload selca dia sama mino. mino sepertinya ngasih SWC CD sama dia

flaming charisma minho-koon
gave me a shinee live CD.
minho-koon is such a
good manner-dol
who is loved by all sunbae-nims and staff

trans by jujugal

haha you’re the best-dol mino-ya~

mingkey selca T_T. udah beberapa hari yang lalu sih. tapi gue gak telat kok taunya. cuma baru sempe diposting aja. drama yang mau di download numpuk jadi gak sempet ngeposting -.- #curhat haha

demi apapun gue seneng banget pas tau ini. huhuuuu kan jarang key ngeupload selca dia sama mino ke me2day. walaupun gue yakin banget sih mingkey itu sering banget selca-an tapi gak di publish aja.

dan gue sempet heboh karna di update-an key itu dia nulis nama minho jadi ‘jagi’ yah artinya bisa sayang tapi bisa juga lain. gue udah heboh sendiri.

update-nya dua kali pula…. thank you babies

[Key] 파리에서 사진찍다가…자기너무 어둡다고 밝혀줬더니 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[Key] while taking pictures in paris… he said he came out too dark so i lightened it for him ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke

[Key] 둘다 어이없어서 웃음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[Key] both of us couldn’t help but laughke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke


cr: shinee me2day

trans: kimchi hana @ sfi

hari ini puppy update twitter 3 kali. haha dan tweet-nya geje sekali -_-

@realjonghyun90 누구든 작은 종현을 건들면 …멍멍!!

@realjonghyun90 if anybody messes with small jonghyun …woof woof!!

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달옹의 sns 드라마가 곧 찾아옵니다…!!! +.+ 이번 광고는 좀 특별하게 sns 드라마형식으로 찍었는데요 초큼 오글거리기도 하지만..^^;;; 열심히 연기력을 선보엿지요!ㅋㅋㅋ 아 오글거려~ 아아아악!!! 휘리릭~!!!

Dara’s Sns Drama is going to meet everyone…!!! +.+ This time round the advertisement has got abit interesting as it was being film into a sns series drama kind,although there’s a little pack..^^;;; but it still show the hard work of acting skills! ㅋㅋㅋ ah, a little uneasy~ ah ah ah~ (ak)!!! hwililick~!!! Dara’s bad acting skils ㅋㅋㅋ

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nicole kara update akun twitter-nya dengan mengupload pic dia sama key dan nana. 91 liners love. harusnya minho hari minggu aja datengnya kan perfect deh tuh. haha

@_911007 응원하러온친구들 넘 고마워!

다른분들도 !

친구언니오빡동생들! 넘고마워요 ^^

@_911007 sangat berterimakasih untuk teman-teman yang sudah datang untuk mendukungku!

aku juga berterimakasih untuk yang lainnya!

teman-teman onnie oppa dongsaeng! terimakasih banyak ^^

btw btw si mir minta maaf gitu sama nicole di twitter dia gak bisa nonton konser kara karna schedule. hehe trus kata nicole gak papa. mir-nya keliatan sedih gitu. wkwk. ok mian i love 91 liners soo soo

minho hang out bareng salamander guru staff. director-nya update twitter gitu

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jongho pergi hari sabtu 18 februari 2012. kalau key pergi hari minggu 19 februari 2012

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minho? well gue gak tau kalau dia sedekat itu sama kara. sampe dateng ke konsernya. hehe. karna nicole kah? atau hara kah?

cr: as tagged – i like 89arri ontamnew